夙安宁__束竹: emotionally rich & sincere affair story. The film beautifully relates how sheer blind luck is going to cause the lives of two ordinary persons to be utterly shaken up. Two well-grounded people, both leading a stable and happily married life with their loved partner and children, get thrust into the fever of love & passion. But their unexciting routine is exchanged for rejuvenation & bliss only for a short time. For there is constant tension between the characters’ deep & requited love and the shackles of the society they live in, esp. from a moral perspective. Very interestingly, the movie also depicts the gap between how different social classes experience extra-marital relationships.
野 孩子:一个女的怀了前夫的孩子,然后找个男的接盘,双管齐下TXL金银花最后硬接下来了……你要我评价故事,就很拖,你要我说演技,就基本过关,你要说演员,都不差。可真的,hold不住这种题材,打扰了。